Petition to Bear Grylls draws 1000+ in support of Edinburgh Scout leader expelled over bogus antisemitism

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Bear Grylls is the Chief Ambassador for World Scouting. What is quite shocking is that the Scouts felt that Pete Gregson’s political activities were of relevance to them. In March 2010 the World Scout Committee (WSC) issued a statement on human rights issues which affirmed its “unequivocal adherence to the principles of human rights expressed in the UN Declaration”. A key plank of the UN Declaration, Article 19, states “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” It appears that the UK Scout Association has breached both Pete’s human rights and World Scout Committee declarations. For he is entitled to his political views, which he has never articulated in a scouting environment.

See 33 mins of Resist TV on 19th July 23 below at (46) Scouts Expels Volunteer in witch-hunt | A Call to Chief Scout Bear Grylls | Resistance TV – YouTube

Hear 35 mins on 26th July 23 on the Richie Allen podcast at

On the 7th August, published at Petition to Bear Grylls draws 900 in support of scout leader expelled on anti-Semitism claims – Middle East Monitor . On the 14th August, published at Petition to UK Chief Scout Bear Grylls draws 1000-plus in support of Edinburgh Scout Leader expelled over Bogus Antisemitism – Redress Information & Analysis (

If the Scouts won’t change their ways, Pete thinks parents should sent their kids to the Woodcraft Folk The Woodcraft Folk Are the Socialist Boy Scouts (

Pete has appealed against his expulsion- see his appeal to the Scouts National Safeguarding Manager here

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